EFMLS Clubs in New York, New Jersey, CT, and PA

For the most up to date events, check out our Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Newswire.

EFMLS Clubs interest you? Live in New York, New Jersey, Atlantic Coast and want to join a rockhound club? Like to meet fellow rockhounds, go on field trips, host gem and mineral shows, and get out and rockhound? We are members of 4 different NY clubs, and remain a member of a gem and mineral club down in Houston simply to keep receiving their newsletter!  You will find your interest, knowledge, and fun with rockhounding, and gem and mineral collecting, is enriched when you join one of the EFMLS Clubs. By the way, EFMLS stands for Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies.

Now click image below to enlarge it and find the club nearest your hometown.  If you are a member of an EFMLS Club, or any AFMS Club, or in an elected volunteer role in either and EFMLS and/or AFMS club, then contact us to promote your shows, and to run a social media new member drive.

We are members of New York Paleontological Society, New York Gem and Mineral Society, Island Rockhounds, and the Nassau Mineral Club, maintaining membership from afar mind you with the Houston Gem and Mineral Society, where we had been members, and who publishes such a great monthly newsletter that it’s worth the membership alone.

If you are in New York City and would like to go to a meeting with us, email us through our site, and we will take you to the meeting, or event that month!

Be sure to tell them American Geode sent you!

efmls clubs