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Joe and I met our friend Eric in Fonda on the morning of May 17th. Weather was not in our corner that morning as the claim, which now is 6 feet underground, was also under water.
While we had power tools, a 9000 volt generator, and a lot of Red Bull driven energy, we did not have a power suction unit or drain machine, or anything to remove this water.
But we did have buckets, and 3 of us, and an hour later, being very sore much earlier than planned, we were ready to start drilling.
We had a real jack-hammer, and 2 mini jack-hammers in addition to our hand tools. We started taking down layers of hard dolomite to get a layer lower. After a few hours we succeeded.
This post is intentionally short as the following video and pictures better represent the day’s outcome.
Here are some tips however for mining for Herkimer Diamonds:
1. Mosquitos are heavy in the summer bring bug spray.
2. If you are cracking by hand make sure to have a 4lb long handle Estwing and cold chisel.
3. Eye protection
4. Any of the mines are good
5. Do not expect to find anything enormous without power equipment. But you most likely will find nice small Herkimer Diamonds with hand tools.
6. 4ft below overburden is usually a good level.
Good luck.