Herkimer Diamond is the New York State Mineral

Herkimer Diamond, the unofficial state mineral of New York!

For the most up to date events, check out our Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Newswire.

Herkimer Diamond as the state mineral of New York? Did you know there was a New York state mineral? Did you know there had not been a state mineral? We knew none of the answers to these questions until an article by Robert Harding educated us on the legislation being pushed by New York State Senator James Seward to name the Herkimer Diamond the New York state mineral.
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Best Herkimer Diamond Find

For the most up to date events, check out our Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Newswire.

Joe and I met our friend Eric in Fonda on the morning of May 17th. Weather was not in our corner that morning as the claim, which now is 6 feet underground, was also under water.

While we had power tools, a 9000 volt generator, and a lot of Red Bull driven energy, we did not have a power suction unit or drain machine, or anything to remove this water.
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