Gem and Mineral Clubs near New York

For the most up to date events, check out our Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Newswire.

Are you interested in joining a gem and mineral club? Are you a gem, mineral or fossile enthusiast? We are collecting the contact details for gem and mineral clubs in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut and in one listing.
Please feel free to share this link over Facebook or your own club’s homepage.

Do you have an edit to share with us? Please email us through the “Contact Us” button on our site

List of EFMLS clubs in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut

Get out and rockhound!
For the most up to date gem and mineral events and shows, check out our Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Newswire.

About American Geode:
We are a source of geodes, minerals, gems, and fossils for collectors, academics in geology and paleontology, museums, and even interior design professionals. Rockhounding for unusual geodes, beautiful minerals, rare gems, and beautiful exotic crystals with positive energy keep us motivated. Some of our favorite finds are Indiana Geodes, NY Herkimer Diamonds, Connecticut Garnets, Kyanite, and Apache Peridot. We use a variety of tools for rockhounding including crack hammers, sledge hammers, demolition hammers, and 65lb jackhammers (lots of rockhound hammers) as well as diamond saws and soil pipe cutters. We enjoy researching and mining rocks and roadtrips while rockhounding across the USA.

Our Geodes are some of the finest natural Geodes on Earth. We specialize in Indiana Geodes and all Geodes are for sale and sourced directly from rockhound sites in Indiana, USA. Our Geode sizes range from 3 to 18 inches in diameter. Finding Geodes is hard work and we hand crack them to show the natural geological beauty inside these mysterious natural wonders. Hidden inside include fractal Quartz crystals, white Chalcedony, red chalcedony, blue chalcedony, Baryte minerals, Citrine, and various other favorite gems. Every cracked Geode is truly unique, collectible, and a wonder.

If you would like more info on local Mineral shows and rockhound clubs click on our News page for up to date listings and links to Gem Show, Mineral Show, and Fossil Show announcements. We update our rockhound news twice an hour and showcase the top mineral shows and rockhound news in the USA and the World. Also, follow us on Twitter for even more rockhound events, commentary, and laughable quips from American Geode.