Many Reasons to Join the Northeast Georgia Mineral Society

Northeast Georgia Mineral Society

Early August of this year, the opportunity to leave New York temporarily presented itself. I had been committed to supporting New York through the COVID crisis, and had adapted to a professional and personal life that mostly took place over Zoom, while praying for the safety of fellow New Yorkers and family. However, the chance to stay in a cabin in Georgia’s Blue Ridge Mountains, with the Chattahoochee National Forest outside the cabin door, was pretty compelling. So after taking a detour north to Chester, Massachusetts, for a job, and the chance to rockhound near the abandoned emery mines of Chester (another story), my better half and I moved to a cabin outside of Cleveland, Georgia.

                One of the very first things I did, after registering to vote, was to contact the nearest gem and mineral club. I found the Northeast Georgia Mineral Society,, and sent an email to the President announcing my desire to find out what they were doing, and then I waited. I did not have to wait long before Claudia Barton, President of the club reached out to me over the phone for introductions. She invited me to the next meeting, that take place the first Thursdays of every month, reminded me to wear a mask and that the meeting, while in person, would be socially distanced, and to expect a meeting that starts on time and includes announcements, a lecture, a raffle, social chit chat, Eastern Federation news, and a meeting that would end on time. All of that proved accurate!

                The club is very supportive of each other. Presently some members are in the hospital, and each meeting includes an update on their progress, and a way to send a card or message. We are very lucky that Joe Cooper, the Eastern Federation Region 7 Vice President is one of our members, as well as our Field Trip Coordinator. Joe always share any news, updates, matters from the Eastern Federation, and as the club’s Field Trip Coordinator, has arranged some field trips that are a rockhound’s DREAM!

                My real-life job is in antiques and fine art. In the 18th century, people of means would visit the finest cities of Europe, seeing the sites and collecting souvenirs (now quite valuable antiques and works of art) along the way. This trip to see the finest cities of Europe was known as the Grand Tour. Well, our Field Trip Coordinator Joe Cooper arranged a rockhound trip that I immediately started referring to as the “Grand Tour of Rockhounding!” Joe, club members Robin and Jennifer Findley, and members of another Georgia club visited the finest mines of Arkansas, the 2 different Coleman Mines, and another near Mount Ida to collector minerals and crystals, and what impressed me most was that They Took a U-HAUL! While I was not able to attend this field trip, at the November meeting they showed off a fraction of their finds, and they were so good, personally, I would have preferred an armed guard to accompany them to and from their cars! So, the club likes to arrange rockhound field trips, and as another member of the club shared with me, “in this part of Georgia alone, you can find just about every North American mineral.” I am personally indebted to Joe Cooper as well because, as (due to work projects) I could not attend the Grand Tour of the Finest Mines of Arkansas trip, I was eager and anxious to get out in the field and rockhound. Joe was kind enough to share a local site with me for quartz crystals, and while it took me 3-4 phone calls to Joe , including Facetime visuals of where I was so Joe could guide me, I found the unusual, small quartz vein exposure, and was able to accomplish some rockhounding on my own.

                Another leader of the club is Richard Walter, who, in addition to giving great lectures (I have only heard Richard speak once, but I consider myself a tough critic of public speaking), is also the club’s newsletter editor and Recorder and Secretary. Richard puts together monthly a newsletter that I really enjoy because he includes detailed notes from the previous month’s lecture. That is so valuable as we do not always have pen and paper with us to take notes at a meeting, and there are always nuggets of gem and mineral information one wants to research independently. As well, like a paparazzi, Richard is able to catch some photographs of the meetings that add great context to his descriptions. Not every member of the club uses email on a regular enough basis to rely solely on an electronic newsletter, so I find Richard’s commitment to mailing the newsletter to those members very commendable. Richard was the speaker at the first meeting I attended. The topic was “The Lazurite Minerals,” and from Richard’s very welcoming style of speaking, to the specimens he had to pass around, to the interactive aspect of his talk, I was very impressed, and when I came home that night I said to my better half, “I just heard a lecture about lazurite and sodalite minerals that I would have paid $50 to see!” It was just that good a lecture, and I don’t think it was meant to just impress me.

                Other leaders in the club I have met include Robin and Jennifer Findlay, who have held various board roles. At the last meeting I attended in November they shared a fraction of their finds from the “Grand Tour” of Arkansas Mines that I can not stop talking about. They brought back museum worthy specimens, admitted they will be cleaning crystals for “at least a decade,” and shared stories comparing and contrasting one mine to the other. As someone new to the area, that was a very valuable part of their November talk. We all have limited time, and with the investment in time required by any rockhound trip, knowing where to go is invaluable. Robin and Jennifer have also both been responsible for the club’s messaging outside the monthly newsletter, so I welcome all of their emails to my inbox.

                There are many other members I have not met yet, but I hear very good things about them, and look forward to 2021 when we can all assemble together in fellowship and celebration. COVID has kept the meetings to a minimum, albeit responsible group, and, coming from New York, the tragic epicenter of COVID, I was very comfortable, grateful, and thankful for the COVID safety measures I found at the Northeast Georgia Mineral Society.

                In summary, the club President, Claudia Barton, leads a club that I have found educational, interesting, friendly, and welcoming. Keep in mind I come with a very high bar of excellence having been a member for many years of the New York Mineralogical Club led by the late Mitch Portnoy, a friend whom I miss, and also as a member of the Island Rockhounds, led by Janice Kowalski, and by Cheryl Neary, both dear friends of mine whom I love hanging out with and also miss.

                I recommend a membership to the If any members of the Eastern Federation, or the AFMS, have plans in 2021 to visit Georgia, whether that be a business trip to Atlanta, or for a holiday to North Georgia for hiking or rockhounding, please get in touch with the North Georgia Mineral Society. You will find you have friends there, as I discovered.

Join the Northeast Georgia Mineral Society, and find fellowship, field trip opportunities, and gain gem and mineral knowledge at

Charles Snider continues to post rockhound adventures through the rockhounding blog American Geode, at

NEW and UNUSUAL Crystal Local Discovery in North Georgia

We heard from a new friend here in North Georgia about a location near Toccoa, Georgia that may have crystals. With a vague description of the locale, the outcrop and the erosion that exposes the crystals, I set off on a Sunday morning drive to a remote area in North Georgia.

At first I spent two hours scanning and scouring the eroded outcrop along the side of an unmarked gravel road. I found a lovely creek, some giant old trees, and was in the secluded peaceful woods of North Georgia. I gave up, got back in my truck and left. After about a quarter mile down the main road, I saw another unmarked gravel road, and quickly turned down it.

After slowly spanning the outcrop, scanning for crystals, scanning for anything, I found it. I saw crystals splattered among an eroded hill and outcrop on the side of this road.

The hills and raised earth and outcrops were along the ENTIRETY of this road, but in one specific area for about 20 feet, I found crystals and quartz points.

From examining the locale, and how tight the area was with crystals, I believe this was once a quartz vein that the geographic and geologic activity caused to “uproot” and almost “explode.” This is in the area near the North Georgia Blue Ridge Mountains, so very likely the geologic events that gave us the mountains of North Georgia, also brought this quartz vein to the surface.

From nearly a decade of rockhounding, American Geode knows when a site has been discovered, and picked over, and this locale was pristine, virgin, and untouched. We could find no description of a site like this on any other mineral and rockhounding website. American Geode believes this is a NEW and UNUSUAL quartz location in North Georgia. We took plenty of pictures and filmed two videos of this special quartz crystal site.

American Geode always welcomes insight and advice about the minerals we have found. Please contact American Geode with your comments.

Black Bear Sighting, Videos and Photos, 8-15-2020 near Cleveland, Georgia

Black Bear

Rockhounding and hiking near Cleveland, Georgia, and spotted this black bear. Believe this is the same bear we spotted the day prior. Noticed that he was wearing a collar, so assuming this black bear is tracked by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

For all the rockhounding adventures, please keep reading, and subscribe to the American Geode channel on Youtube,

Please share with everyone you know and can think of, and contact American Geode directly through

Rockhound Sites in Georgia

Native American Arrowhead

Rockhound sites in Georgia are plentiful and vast. American Geode is camped out near Dahlonega, Georgia (site of America’s first Gold Rush), for the next few months. American Geode will chronicle all the rockhound adventures, gem and mineral discoveries, and encounters with wildlife (including black bears).

Right now we are exploring the area around our new temporary home. The chiggers, the overgrowth, the mosquitoes, and the ground cover are fierce. We would like to try gold panning, will definitely look for unusual stone formations, and this is an area that should be rich in Native American points and arrowheads. The main photo of this blog is the single arrowhead discovered here a few years back by the property owner. So we have a lot going for us except after 3 trips, I have been able to take some great outdoors photographs, saw a black bear, and are covered in chigger bites.

Nearby by Helen, Georgia are at least two commercial gold panning operations. They have gift shops, outdoors area for panning through soil and sand, and look like great fun for a family. That is an option that would be less pest-infested for certain, but I remain hopeful that this property will offer a treasure. We are also looking into local clubs, but we expect they will be very limited and suspended in field trips, and likely conducting meetings over Zoom.

As always, if anyone has suggestions, comments, or feedback, please directly contact American Geode through the website,
