Admission: $4 per Adult or $6 Weekend Pass – Children under 12 Free with an Adult
Dealers: Gold, Silver fine and Everyday Jewelry, Loose Gemstones, Cabochons, Crystals, Minerals, Fossils, Meteorites, Treasures, Beads and more.
Member Display Cases, Lapidary Demonstrations, Educational Resources, Grab Bags, Treasure Dig, Geode Sales & Cutting, Gem Panning, Hourly Door Prizes and a Grand Prize that will be awarded at the end of the show on Sunday.
Fossil Show Contact: Richard McNutt – rmcnutt9@comcast.net
Augusta Gem and Mineral Society www.agams.club
Encourage Interest In Rocks, Minerals And Lapidary Arts;
Sponsor Educational Programs Within The Membership To Increase The Knowledge Of Its Members In The Properties Of Identification And Evaluation Of Rocks And Minerals And Related Subjects;
Cooperate With Other Mineralogical And Geological Clubs And Activities;
Arrange And Conduct Field Trips To Facilitate The Collection Of Specimens And Minerals;
Provide An Opportunity For The Exchange And Exhibition Of Specimens And Minerals.
Aiken Gem, Mineral and Fossil Society www.aikengmfs.org
Welcome to the Aiken Gem, Mineral and Fossil Society
The purpose of our club is to:
stimulate interest in the collection of gem, fossil and mineral materials;
to impart knowledge of lapidary work, mineralogy, collecting and classification of minerals;
and the application in the art so greater pleasure may be derived from these activities.