Western Mass. Gem, Mineral, Fossil Show
The 2020 show is on our March show date and still
The Connecticut Valley Mineral Club presents the:
2020 Western Mass. Mineral, Jewelry & Fossil Show taking place
March 28th & 29th 2020
41 Russell St., (Route 9) Hadley, Mass.
(*** At the Hampton Village Barn Shops & Hampton Inn ***)
Admission to the show is just $5 per person.
Children twelve and under and Scouts in uniform can get in free with paid adult!
Be sure to sign up for the Door Prize. Bring in the postcard reminder we sent you or fill in your
info on the back of one of our show flyers, at the entrance, and drop them into the door prize box.
SATURDAY DOOR PRIZE -QUARTZ, Mt. Ida, Arkansas, Large Cabinet Specimen, 7” x 8” x 5.6” (8.8 lbs.)
Our two day mineral show attracts people from all over New England and beyond. The trait they share in common is a love for all things related to the earth and earth science.
Each year the show has exciting new finds to be discovered! For 2020 we will have an abundant array of items from all around the world. Just like every year, our dealers will have a spectacular selection. There is always something new to find. Be sure to take a look at all the dealers exhibiting at this year’s show. Many dealers will have special items at the show, so be sure to get here when the doors open. You don’t want to miss out on a great find!
If you would like more info on local Mineral shows and rockhound clubs click on the American Geode News page for up to date listings and links to Gem Show, Mineral Show, and Fossil Show announcements. American Geode updates our rockhound news twice an hour and showcase the top mineral shows and rockhound news in the USA and the World. Also, follow American Geode on Twitter for even more rockhound events, commentary, and laughable quips from American Geode. https://twitter.com/AmericanGeode