Connecticut Gems and Minerals

Connecticut gems and minerals from an abandoned mine locale near Trumbull, Connecticut, and garnets from a location that is now closed off for rockhounding and the public, in Roxbury, Connecticut.

Here are Connecticut Gems and Minerals:

Rockhounding ABCs – “Food of the Rockhound Gods”

American Geode

“Food of the Rockhound Gods”

From many different rockhound trips, each one longer than we had originally planned, we developed a strategy for food and water that helps preserve space in your pack, and to reduce and avoid waste. Rockhounds follow the creed to leave an area in the same, or better shape than how you found the area. Remember that after rockhounding, you are leaving with more, and quite a lot heavier material than at the beginning of the day. Rockhounds always carry out their trash, but there are tips and strategies to minimize trash, and to work with the environment, not against it.

  1. Food that requires no packaging, and that discards itself in the woods is ideal. Oranges, bananas, and apples are ideal because they leave behind rind, peel, and core that will degrade in the woods.
  2. If you bring snacks like nuts, raisins, other dried fruit, bars, or event meats and cheeses and place them beforehand in plastic bags, you can use those same plastic bags for the crystals and stones you collect on the trip.
  3. Instead of bringing a number of small water bottles, we bring a gallon jug per rockhound so that afterwards you are recycling one plastic bottle, instead of a dozen plastic bottles.
  4. Wet naps! Rockhounding is dirty business, you no that going into this hobby or obsession, but wet naps can save the day, and we always appreciate a fresh wet nap, so stock up on them, and be sure to carry them out with you.

The strategy is to consume all the food you bring, with minimal plastic waste to return by repurposing any plastic bags. We always make it a tradition after every rockhounding trip to plan in advance where we will celebrate with a steak and a baked potato.

Rockhound, and eat, drink, and be merry!

New Jersey and New York Gem and Mineral Shows

Rock Show

New Jersey and New York Gem and Mineral Shows
Great rock shows in New Jersey and New York are as cool as great food, great comedy shows, and great nightlife.
Here is a list of upcoming mineral and rock shows in New Jersey and New York. New York and New Jersey are both VERY popular states for gem, mineral, and rock shows! Buy your stocking stuffers and Secret Santa gifts in advance!
Contact American Geode through email if you are in charge of mineral and rock shows, and we will post them. Contact American Geode if you would like to learn more best practices of attending, and having the best time at the mineral and rock shows. American Geode are the mineral and rock show experts and we attend or deal at many of the New York gem and mineral shows.

July 11 – September 28
“Summer Gems”an Exhibition of
Nihonga Paintings and Minerals
Sato Sakura Gallery at 501 West 20th Street, New York
A gallery collaboration between Wilensky and Sakura;
visit for info.
July 27-28 38th Annual Gem & Mineral Show
Mattituck High School,
15125 Main Road, Mattituck, NY
Sponsor: Long Island Mineral & Geology Society
(LIMAGS); Info:
August 9-11 East Coast Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show
Better Living Center, Eastern States
Exposition, West Springfield, MA
Largest Show in the East! 200+ Dealers!
August 17 Gem and Mineral Show and Sale
Morris Museum , Morristown, New Jersey
Sponsor: Morris Museum Mineralogical Society
September 21 – 22 Mid-Hudson Valley Gem and Mineral Show & Sale
Gold’s Gym, Poughkeepsie, NY 50th
Anniversary Show!; Theme: “Pyrite . . . Don’t be
Fooled”; Pyrite Exhibit by Vassar College
October 12-13 South Jersey Gem, Jewelry, Mineral & Fossil Show
1721 Springdale Road Cherry Hill, New Jersey
November 9-10 Fall NYC Gem, Mineral, Jewelry & Fossil Show
Grand Ballroom, Watson Hotel,
New York City
25+ High Quality Dealers; NYMC Booth; Lecture on Both Days; Wholesale Section

If you would like more info on New Jersey or New York Gem and Mineral Shows and rockhound clubs click on the American Geode News page for up to date listings and links to Gem Show, Mineral Show, and Fossil Show announcements. American Geode updates our rockhound news twice an hour and showcase the top mineral shows and rockhound news in the USA and the World. Also, follow American Geode on Twitter for even more rockhound events, commentary, and laughable quips from American Geode.

Rock Shows
Rock Shows