Vallejo Jewelry, Mineral, Gem Show 2020!

Gem Show Flyer 2020-page-001

Vallejo Jewelry, Mineral, Gem Show 2020! Save the date!
Gem Show Flyer 2020

Gem Show Flyer 2020-page-001
Gem Show Flyer 2020-page-001

Vallejo Gem & Mineral Society was founded October 8, 1954.

It was formed by rockhounds interested in sharing their interest and knowledge of rocks, minerals, geology, and other aspects of rockhounding and collecting, cutting, and polishing.
The 2019 Gem & Mineral Show is coming up February 23th and 24th! Please mark your calendars! We’ll be holding drawings, a silent auction, a kids corner, and lots more! Its a bunch of fun! Show this post at the front door for $1 off your entry fee!

Gem Show Flyer 2020-page-001
Gem Show Flyer 2020-page-001
About Vallejo Gem and Mineral Society:
Membership: we have approximately 250 members as of December 2018. We offer our members:

Instructors that teach lapidary, lost wax, wire wrapping, silversmithing, geology, and more!
Field trips for collecting rough rock. Field trips include day trips, weekend and camping!
An annual Gem & Mineral show as well as opening to the public during the county fair.
An annual picnic and Christmas party to socialize.
Our shop, which is equipped with cutting, grinding, and polishing equipment as well as a lost wax casting area.

If you would like more info on any California Gem Show and rockhound club click on the American Geode News page for up to date listings and links to Gem Show, Mineral Show, and Fossil Show announcements. American Geode updates our rockhound news twice an hour and showcase the top mineral shows and rockhound news in the USA and the World. Also, follow American Geode on Twitter for even more rockhound events, commentary, and laughable quips from American Geode.

Rock Shows
Rock Shows