NEW and UNUSUAL Crystal Local Discovery in North Georgia

We heard from a new friend here in North Georgia about a location near Toccoa, Georgia that may have crystals. With a vague description of the locale, the outcrop and the erosion that exposes the crystals, I set off on a Sunday morning drive to a remote area in North Georgia.

At first I spent two hours scanning and scouring the eroded outcrop along the side of an unmarked gravel road. I found a lovely creek, some giant old trees, and was in the secluded peaceful woods of North Georgia. I gave up, got back in my truck and left. After about a quarter mile down the main road, I saw another unmarked gravel road, and quickly turned down it.

After slowly spanning the outcrop, scanning for crystals, scanning for anything, I found it. I saw crystals splattered among an eroded hill and outcrop on the side of this road.

The hills and raised earth and outcrops were along the ENTIRETY of this road, but in one specific area for about 20 feet, I found crystals and quartz points.

From examining the locale, and how tight the area was with crystals, I believe this was once a quartz vein that the geographic and geologic activity caused to “uproot” and almost “explode.” This is in the area near the North Georgia Blue Ridge Mountains, so very likely the geologic events that gave us the mountains of North Georgia, also brought this quartz vein to the surface.

From nearly a decade of rockhounding, American Geode knows when a site has been discovered, and picked over, and this locale was pristine, virgin, and untouched. We could find no description of a site like this on any other mineral and rockhounding website. American Geode believes this is a NEW and UNUSUAL quartz location in North Georgia. We took plenty of pictures and filmed two videos of this special quartz crystal site.

American Geode always welcomes insight and advice about the minerals we have found. Please contact American Geode with your comments.

Black Bear Sighting, Videos and Photos, 8-15-2020 near Cleveland, Georgia

Black Bear

Rockhounding and hiking near Cleveland, Georgia, and spotted this black bear. Believe this is the same bear we spotted the day prior. Noticed that he was wearing a collar, so assuming this black bear is tracked by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

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Rockhound Sites in Georgia

Native American Arrowhead

Rockhound sites in Georgia are plentiful and vast. American Geode is camped out near Dahlonega, Georgia (site of America’s first Gold Rush), for the next few months. American Geode will chronicle all the rockhound adventures, gem and mineral discoveries, and encounters with wildlife (including black bears).

Right now we are exploring the area around our new temporary home. The chiggers, the overgrowth, the mosquitoes, and the ground cover are fierce. We would like to try gold panning, will definitely look for unusual stone formations, and this is an area that should be rich in Native American points and arrowheads. The main photo of this blog is the single arrowhead discovered here a few years back by the property owner. So we have a lot going for us except after 3 trips, I have been able to take some great outdoors photographs, saw a black bear, and are covered in chigger bites.

Nearby by Helen, Georgia are at least two commercial gold panning operations. They have gift shops, outdoors area for panning through soil and sand, and look like great fun for a family. That is an option that would be less pest-infested for certain, but I remain hopeful that this property will offer a treasure. We are also looking into local clubs, but we expect they will be very limited and suspended in field trips, and likely conducting meetings over Zoom.

As always, if anyone has suggestions, comments, or feedback, please directly contact American Geode through the website,


Gem and Mineral Locations in Massachusetts – Photos from a Spooky Discovery

Haunted Massachusetts

While rockhounding in Chester, Massachusetts, I discovered a strange Neo-Classical structure out in the middle of the woods. It had a very well manicured base of rocks, almost like an inviting entrance. The doors were stuck so unable to enter from the front. In the back however, there was a missing plank. I stuck in my hand with my cell phone and snapped these pictures.

This is in an area where there were mines long ago, so mayeb this has something to do with the old mines that once flourished in Chester? There is a pit and it was walled off with wooden planks. There were no markings or writings on the walls. Frankly, I am surprised it is still standing.

As always, contact American Geode through the website if you have comments, or can help us identify what in the hell is this little Neo-Classical structure.