Gem and Mineral Clubs near New York

For the most up to date events, check out our Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Newswire.

Are you interested in joining a gem and mineral club? Are you a gem, mineral or fossile enthusiast? We are collecting the contact details for gem and mineral clubs in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut and in one listing.
Please feel free to share this link over Facebook or your own club’s homepage.
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Peridot is the August Birthstone

For the most up to date gem and mineral events and shows, check out our Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Newswire.

Peridot is the August birthstone, and we have one of the finest collections of rough and faceted peridot you will find, and the story to prove it.
Joe, one of the American Geode Co-Founders and Owners, has family in Arizona. The man visits Arizona on a regular basis to see his family. Arizona also has arguably the finest peridot in the world, found in their Apache Indian mines. Now the mines are strictly guarded, and off-limits to anyone but the Apaches.
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